Occupants’ Perception of a Concrete Shell Building
Julia Mundo-Hernández, Ma. Cristina Valerdi-Nochebuena, Jorge Sosa-Oliver

Thin concrete shells have been developed since the beginning of the 20th century. They are strong in both compression and tension allowing covering long-span buildings with a very thin concrete shell structure. Their interior environment has been hardly analysed specially from the occupants’ point of view. Understanding occupants´ environmental perception of an existing concrete shell building will provide useful lessons to architects and engineers when designing new space structures. This paper aims to show how occupants´ perceive a concrete shell building located in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Puebla, Mexico. The building comprises 4 lecture rooms, offices, a computer room and cafe. It was built in 1969 and designed by architect Jorge Belches-Landero. Building users were asked about their perception towards the building´s thermal, lighting and acoustic environment, functionality and aesthetics. Findings demonstrate the importance that the interior environment of a concrete shell construction has in order to ensure the adequate performance of people’s activities, and its influence on their mood and behaviour. Most people find the building too hot and dull; they feel sleepy and uncomfortable. However, they recognise the building as an iconic and beautiful structure.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jea.v3n1a12