Establishing Hazardous Waste List for a Developing Country: Palestinian Case Study
Maher Al-Jabari

This paper establishes the Palestinian hazardous waste list; an essential prerequisite for setting up a hazardous waste management system. It presents the categories and items of the hazardous waste list, based on adopting the European hazardous waste system, which was customized to suite the Palestinian case. The methodology of this study is based on a descriptive approach, research tasks included desk research and literature review in addition to brainstorming discussions and meetings. Communications with regional and international experts were established for peer-review and feedback. For simplicity in application, the adopted system lists only hazardous wastes related to Palestinian current economic activities; no listing for non-hazardous waste as in the European system. The paper draws a road map for regional countries to follow for preparing their own waste list. The output list includes 7 waste categories and a total of 362 items (the hazardous wastes). Legal requirements for implementing the prepared system are summarized.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jea.v2n2a13