Significance of Historical Public Buildings in Malang City based on Syntagm-Paradigm Relation in the Aesthetics Composition of Visual Elements of Building
Antariksa, Herry Santosa, Noviani Suryasari

The entity of the features of an area in a city is determined, among other things, by the aesthetics of the faces of the buildings belonging to the area. Each building has its aesthetic potential to contribute to the overall architectural aesthetic of the city. Malang City has several areas, which as a whole are shaped by the unique nuances of the architectural character of historical buildings, so that a certain aesthetic value arises, which is felt through the expression of visual elements. Each of these historic buildings has its meaning for the aesthetics of the city as a whole. Therefore, this study aims to find out what significance several historical public buildings in Malang City have for the aesthetic formation that can be felt through their visual composition. The method used is a descriptive qualitative method accompanied by graphical analysis techniques. The description is made regarding the semantic analysis framework model to see the relationship between paradigm and syntagm, which is formed by the combination of different visual elements in the building. The results of the study indicate that the syntagm-paradigm relationship, as a form of aesthetic value, plays a role in determining the meaning of the building. The consistency of the occurring syntagm-paradigm relationship determines the importance of the building at a certain hierarchical level.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jea.v10n2a2