Your House is My Home: Tenant Perceptions of Major Renovations including Energy-Efficiency Measures in Multifamily Housing in a Swedish Residential Area
Eja Pedersen, Åke Blomsterberg

Much European housing stock will soon be refurbished due to wear and demands for increased energy efficiency. Renovating residential housing will cause changes in tenants’ homes, and how these will be perceived by tenants is poorly understood. In this Swedish case study, tenant assessments of a renovation were captured in group interviews. Home includes not only the flat but also common facilities inside and outside the building, resulting in a need for control and feelings of loss when this environment changes. Perceptions of the renovation were influenced by the social environment, mainly the relationship with the housing company, defined in terms of distance, trust, and fairness. A new ventilation system and limited possibilities to individually regulate temperature were perceived by some as lowering the indoor living quality, prompting various coping strategies. Using home as a starting point in planning and managing large renovations may increase the likelihood of sustainable outcomes.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jea.v4n1a2