Urban Projects and New Territorialities: The Itá Case - Santa Catarina State - Brazil
Dr. Niara Clara Palma, Graziela Dal'lago Hendges
Journal of Engineering & Architecture, 1(1), pp. 01-23.

The development of the town of Itá is an unusual case because 16,000 people had to move from where they used to live and be relocated to another area defined by an urban project developed by the Itá hydroelectric power station team, which started to be built in 1967 and, for that reason, an artificial lake had to be created, flooding the original town in 2000.This research focuses on the original town of Itá, on the project implemented in 1989 and its current urban configuration. Existing indicators that were tested in several real cases will be used to obtain a reliable overview of the collected data, and will allow the comparison of the three phases of the urban system listed for the study. Besides the evolution of spatial configuration and urban form, we will study which socioeconomic impacts caused by the implementation of the hydroelectric power plant on the population of Itá and region are present, as well as the town’s later urban development.

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Palma, Clara Dr. Niara., & Hendges, Dal'lago Graziela. (2013). Urban Projects and New Territorialities: The Itá Case - Santa Catarina State - Brazil. Journal of Engineering & Architecture, 1(1), pp. 01-23.

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Niara Palma has Doctoral degree in the Program of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Urban Planning (PROPUR / University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), training in analysis of complex networks ISCTE in Lisbon and is Professor in the Graduate Program in Regional Development (PPGDR / UNISC / RS). Focuses its work in the area of modeling of urban space, linking processes of urban structure formation tosocial and economic relationship and has also developed a simulation model to study and simulate urban growth and distribution of land use.Works in the area of spatial configuration, spatial morphological analysis, urban development, self-organization and simulation of urban process.


Graziela Dal'lago Hendges
University of Santa Cruz Do Sul
Graduate Studies Student in the Regional Development Program