Simulation based layout design of large sized multi-row Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Srinivas C, Ramji K, Satyanarayana B, Naveen Ravela
Journal of Engineering & Architecture, 1(1), pp. 34-44.

The layout of workstations in a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) plays a very important role as it critically affects the operating efficiency, system capacity and system flexibility. An effective layout of workstations can significantly cut down manufacturing lead times. The layout of workstations is an inevitable problem in all industrial plants and the decisions regarding the layout of workstations receive intense attention in production and operations management. The layout should be expandable and adaptable, should be easily maintainable and should promote high employee morale. In the present work the optimum and near optimum layouts for a 15-workstation FMS are obtained using Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) approach. To evaluate the system performance in a more realistic way, simulation models have to be connected to evolutionary methods to evaluate the candidate solutions. In the present work the results obtained from ACO approach for various FMS layout alternatives have been validated using the discrete event simulation software, Flexsim Version 3.01, which is a versatile tool for modelling and simulation of manufacturing systems. Thus the most favorable number of rows and the sequence of work stations in the individual rows are established.

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Srinivas et al. (2013). Simulation based layout design of large sized multi-row Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Journal of Engineering & Architecture, 1(1), pp. 34-44.

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Dr. Srinivas.chandana is a Associate. Professor of mechanical engineering at R.V.R&J.C College of engineering, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh India. His career spans both mechanical and the industrial Engineering. At the National institute of technology (N.I.T) Calicut he obtained M.Tech and received P.hD in mechanical engineering at Andhra university in 2013.He has done P.hD in the area of “layout design and analysis of single and mutirow Flexible manufacturing systems”. He has taught subjects optimisation, operations management, Industrial engineering, operation research etc. Her research interests lie in layout design, simulation and optimization. He has published many articles in both International and national Journals, among which are several devoted to layout design in FMS, Simulation and optimization.


Ramji K
Satyanarayana B
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Andhra University
Visakhapatnam - 530 003, A. P


Naveen Ravela
SCR Engineering College, Guntur - 522 619
A.P., India